On the morning of January 27, 2024, Petrovietnam Machinery – Technology Joint Stock Company held a meeting with retired cadres at the Company on the occasion of the new year 2024.

Company information
icon date14/08/2024

Traditionally, meeting and showing gratitude to retired cadres of Petrovietnam Machinery – Technology Joint Stock Company (PVMACHINO) every Tet has become a good tradition. This is also an opportunity for retired generations to meet, recall old memories and share current stories with each other.

The meeting of retired staff is an activity demonstrating gratitude and respect for the contributions of previous generations to the development of PVMACHINO. This is also an opportunity for retired leaders and retired employees to meet, recall memories, strengthen comradeship; at the same time, educate the young generation to constantly strive, complete assigned tasks well, and be worthy of inheriting the predecessors.

Attending the meeting, on the Company’s side were Mr. Phan Trung Nghia – Deputy General Director, Mr. Phi Thanh Thuan – Head of Administration Department, along with the Heads/Deputies of specialized departments, Chairman of the Trade Union, Secretary of the Company’s Youth Union.

On the side of retired cadres, there were Mr. Tran Tri Kinh – Former Chairman of the Board of Directors and Mr. Ho Quang Hieu – Former General Director of Equipment and Spare Parts Corporation, along with the presence of more than 100 retired cadres of the Company through the periods. 

At the meeting, leaders of PVMachino shared with former leaders, retired cadres about some outstanding achievements in 2023 and the key directions and tasks in 2024.

Mr. Phan Trung Nghia – Deputy General Director reported the results achieved in 2023

In an intimate atmosphere, retired generations of PVMACHINO expressed their joy at the changes and growth in all aspects of the Company, including the business results achieved in 2023.

Mr. Tran Tri Kinh – Former Chairman of the Board of Directors

Mr. Ho Quang Hieu – Former General Director of Machinery and Spare Parts Corporation spoke at the meeting

Touched by the affection and warm welcome of the Board of Directors and all employees of the Company for the retired cadres, on behalf of the retired cadres, Mr. Tran Tri Kinh – Former Chairman of the Board of Directors and Mr. Ho Quang Hieu – Former General Director of Machinery and Spare Parts Corporation thanked the company’s care, and congratulated the success and rapid growth of the Company during the past time. Mr. Tran Tri Kinh affirmed that the results that the Company has achieved are thanks to the solidarity and efforts of the Board of Directors and all employees of the Company. The retired cadres hope that this tradition will continue to be promoted, bringing the Petrovietnam Machinery – Technology Joint Stock Company to further development.

On this occasion, the Board of Directors of PVMACHINO presented Tet gifts and sent New Year wishes to the retired cadres and their families for a new year full of health, happiness and peace.

Beautiful pictures at the meeting with retired cadres: