Testing rice quality before exporting at PVMachino in 2022

Market Information
icon date22/07/2023

The Ministry of Health also has promulgated clear regulations on criteria for rice quality testing, which require businesses to  comply. So what are those criteria, let’s explore together

PVMachino tests rice quality based on legal basis

Quality testing is one of the mandatory requirements in rice import and export at PVMachino, in order to control the quality of rice, and at the same time announcing the standard rice for export to the market.

In other words, quality testing is a way for commercial businesses to announce product quality before consumption according to Circular No. 19/2012/TT-BYT issued by the Ministry of Health released on November 9, 2012.

Testing standards at PVMachino are built based on the circular issued by the State agency:

Circular No. 08/2015/TT-BYT of the Minister of Health supplementing some regulations to Circular No. 27/2012/TT-BYT

Circular No. 27/2012/TT-BYT of the Minister of Health guiding the management of food additives

Circular No. 50/2016/TT-BYT of the Minister of Health regulating the maximum limit of pesticide residues in food

QCVN 8-2:2011/BYT National technical regulation with limits of heavy metal contamination in food

QCVN 8-1:2011/BYT National technical regulation with limits of mycotoxin contamination

Accordingly, to meet the requirements of rice testing, the product quality must meet the criteria of: sensory requirements, physico-chemical criteria, microbiological criteria, and harmful substances.

Rice testing address

The addresses for testing rice for food safety and hygiene, chosen by many businesses are:

National Institute of Food Safety and Hygiene

Nutritional Institute

Pasteur Institute Nha Trang

Central Highlands Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology

Technical Center for Standards, Metrology and Quality – Binh Thuan Department of Standards, Metrology and Quality

Chan Nam Science and Technology Service Joint Stock Company

Rice testing criteria at PVMachino


Sensory is the way that we can see rice with the naked eye, using external senses to assess rice quality through factors such as: small or large size, color, characteristic flavor, glossy surface of rice, whether there are husks or not. ?…If the rice meets the above criteria, it is considered to be of good sensory quality.

Sensory criteria is the first step to assess the remaining limitations, thereby serving as a premise for taking the next steps.

Physico- chemical criteria

Physico – chemical criteria is one of the testing criteria that PVMachino uses frequently today. When testing for this criterion, it is mainly considered the starch quality of rice.

Usually white rice contains only 75-80% starch with two main components: amylose and amylopectin. These are two important ingredients when cooking rice that need to be rigorously tested. Specifically, rice with a lot of amylose will be harder and not as flexible as rice containing amylopectin.

When relying on physico – chemical criteria to test rice quality, it will help us not to be confused and distinguish the properties of each type of rice easily.

On the other hand, physico – chemical indicators also help businesses know other factors in rice such as: moisture, protein content, fat, fiber… After that, adjust the contents of rice to meet the nutritional requirements of consumers.

Microbiological criteria

Rice quality testing also has microbiological criteria, which are evaluated based on the measured content of many types of bacteria such as: yeast spores, molds, Escherichia Coli, Clostridium perfringens… This criterion does not require consideration of all bacteria, but must select factors that are most suitable.

Content of unwanted substances

Checking for unwanted substances is carried out in rice plants during sowing. Because in the process of planting, we have to use stimulants and pesticides to help the plant grow.

To avoid the residue of harmful chemicals, mold, and damage, people often use preservatives. Therefore, when testing rice, it is necessary to objectively and fairly evaluate in detail the content of unwanted chemicals in order to minimize the harm that these chemicals can cause to humans.

PVMachino – ensure the quality of exported rice

PVMachino always ensures the quality of exported rice through strict rice quality testing. This is also a factor that helps the company better control food, quickly overcome limitations to protect consumers.


Moreover, these criteria are mandatory for rice production enterprises to remember, apply and perform well.

Rice quality testing is a mandatory process for any business, individual or organization that wants to export rice to the international market.