Things to know about testing rice quality before exporting

Market Information
icon date22/07/2023

Testing rice quality before exporting is a mandatory job for all businesses and manufacturers, why is that? Let’s answer it through the following article.

Rice testing according to Vietnamese standards

Rice quality testing is a mandatory job that the authorities require all businesses to perform before exporting rice. Through the testing process, the competent entity will consider whether the rice meets the standards to be declared product quality or not. If the quality, criteria and standards of cleanliness and safety are met, that enterprise can declare product quality. This announcement is like a development step to help these products quickly access the market; thereby gaining the trust of customers, boosting sales, and improving production costs.

Rice testing criteria

Rice testing includes 4 criteria: Sensory, physico-chemical, and microbiological, content of unwanted substances.


Sensory criteria is the observation and testing of rice quality visually through what has been seen outside such as: large or small grain, mixed husks or not, taste, characteristic size. …

Passing the rice testing standard by this criterion will be the first step to overcome the limitations and take the next steps.

Physicochemical criteria

Rice testing criteria including physico – chemical, can be understood that when implementing this indicator, it will mainly be observed in rice starch.

The white rice grain that we often use contains about 80% starch, in which there are two main components that are amylose and amylopectin. Specifically, rice with a lot of amylose will be harder and not as flexible as rice containing amylopectin. When relying on physico – chemical criteria, it will help us not to be confused, and distinguish clearly the characteristics of each type of rice  easily.

Microbiological indicators

This indicator is based on the evaluation of microorganisms such as yeasts, molds, Clostridium perfringens, Enterococci in water, Coliform, E. coli, Clostridia…

Content of unwanted substances

This is a common step in the growing process, because in this process we often use many stimulants such as pesticides, herbicides, etc. Through testing standards, it will help to detect toxins, which causes damage to rice plants, and at the same time removes toxic substances to protect human health.

Penalties for violations on rice quality testing

In Article 20 of Decree No. 115/2018/ND-CP Violations against regulations on self-declaration of products clearly stipulate the level of penalties for violations of rice quality testing as follows:

For one of the behaviors of not performing periodic product testing after product announcement, a fine from VND 5,000,000 to VND 10,000,000 will be imposed.

For behavior that does not maintain quality control; periodically testing products according to regulations; Enterprises that do not meet the requirements for product testing will be fined from VND 10,000,000 to VND 15,000,000

Using the expired test result; The test result sheet is incomplete with food safety criteria as prescribed by law; The test result sheet has at least one of the food safety criteria that is not in accordance with relevant regulations and standards, or not in accordance with the provisions of law will be fined from VND 15,000,000 to VND 20,000,000

The test result sheet is issued by an unspecified testing laboratory; or is not recognized in accordance with ISO 17025 will be fined from 20,000,000 VND to 30,000,000 VND

PVMachino – exporter of high – quality rice

PVMachino is the leading high – quality rice exporter in Vietnam because all testing procedures before exporting rice to large markets or even selling domestically will be carried out by the company in accordance with the correct procedures and order. Through the rice testing standards set out in the company’s charter, we are always confident in bringing clean, fresh products – ensuring food safety and hygiene to consumers. Using PVMachino’s rice means that you are using delicious rice samples with premium quality.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us using the information below

Company name: PetroVietnam Machinery Technology Joint Stock Company (PVMachino)

Address: 8 Trang Thi, Hang Trong Ward, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi City

Tel: +84-24.3826.0344

Fax: +84-24.3825.4050


Rice quality testing is strictly followed by all companies, enterprises and manufacturers, which also shows that the quality of Vietnamese rice products is close to international standards.