Some solutions to expand the export market for Vietnamese rice

Market Information
icon date22/07/2023

Rice has a very important position for the development of our country, especially in food security. However, according to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, this industry is currently facing many challenges, so it is necessary to propose solutions to promote rice exports.

Solutions to boost rice exports from state agencies

Some solutions to promote rice exports from the current state management agencies are as follows:


Reviewing and improving the rice export management mechanism

From 2018 until now, the Vietnamese Government has issued many decrees on raising the level of Vietnamese rice according to new standards, most clearly shown in Decree No. 107/2018/ND-CP on rice exporting. In this decree, many new points have been announced such as: eliminating construction investment locations, warehouse sizes, encouraging traders to invest in production and export of high-quality rice products. The implementation of these new points is an opportunity and a breakthrough to support companies to enter the international market. Currently, Vietnam has signed many trade agreements such as: EVFTA; RCEP; UKVFTA to adapt flexibly in the current volatile rice market situation.


Coordinating with ministries and sectors to upgrade the level of Vietnamese rice

The Ministry of Industry and Trade is presiding over and coordinating with ministries, branches and Food Associations to deploy many methods to guide businesses to take advantage of opportunities from signed FTAs.

In addition, the Ministry of Industry and Trade continues to regularly coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development – the agency assigned to assume the prime responsibility to boost rice exports, restructure the rice industry, raise value and develop the Vietnamese rice brand.


Selecting new rice varieties that meet export standards

The State has also guided farmers to select rice varieties with high yield and good resistance to pests and diseases to meet rice export strategy. In which, priority should be given to the production and propagation of aromatic and specialty rice varieties. It is necessary to strictly control rice quality, ensure food safety and hygiene and clear origin before exporting to the market.

At the same time, it is necessary to promote Vietnamese rice brands by organizing Rice Festival abroad and participating in international forums on rice, etc. These activities help expand the export market and add more value for Vietnamese rice.

Solutions to promote rice exports from businesses

Here are some solutions to promote rice exports from businesses and manufacturers.

Actively learn about free trade agreements (FTAs)

Enterprises and manufacturers need to actively learn about free trade agreements, actively study and implement the guidelines of the Ministries, Government and inter-agency agencies.

Actively finding supply sources, improving the competitiveness of  enterprises through the application of science and technology, improving product value, complying with regulations on origin. On the other hand, enterprises must also strengthen supervision of the use of pesticides in the production stage, to ensure food safety and hygiene in the entire supply chain, to meet the requirements of  importing countries.

Increase competitiveness through quality inspection process

In addition, businesses need to actively comply with the State’s requirements for rice inspection before exporting. This inspection not only affirms the quality of the product, but also builds the reputation of the business, especially in demanding and fastidious markets.

The leading rice exporter in Vietnam – PVMachino

PVMachino, the leading rice exporter in Vietnam, has many years of export experience with a team of knowledgeable staff. When choosing PVMachino’s services, enterprises and partners are completely assured of the prestige and quality in each stage of product inspection at the company. With the motto “Taking customer reviews as the driving force in production”, PVMachino always listens to customers’ suggestions and makes appropriate modifications.

Above are some solutions to expand the export market for Vietnamese rice. Companies should refer to this article to find the right export strategy for themselves.