The Party Committee of Petroleum Machinery and Equipment Joint Stock Company moved to the Party Committee of Hoan Kiem District

Company information
icon date22/07/2023

On the afternoon of April 12, at 8 Trang Thi Street – Hanoi, the Party Committee of Vietnam National Oil and Gas Group and Hoan Kiem District Party Committee held a ceremony to transfer and receive grassroots party organizations and members of the Joint Stock Company. Petroleum Machinery and Equipment (PV Machino) belongs to the Party Committee of PetroVietnam Power Corporation – JSC and belongs to Hoan Kiem District Party Committee.

Attending the ceremony, on the side of the Party Committee of the Central Enterprise Division were Mr. Luong Le Quyen – Deputy Head of the Party Organization Department and Party members. On the side of the Hanoi Party Committee, there was Comrade Tuong Thi Hong Van – Head of the Party Organization Department, a member of the Party Committee, and the Organization Department of the Party Committee. On the side of Hoan Kiem District Party Committee, there was Mr. Tran Duc Hieu – Member of the Standing Committee, Head of the Organizing Committee of the District Party Committee. On the side of the Party Committee of the Group, there were Mr. Pham Xuan Canh – Standing Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Member of the Board of Members of the Group and Mr. Ho Cong Ky – Secretary of the Party Committee of PetroVietnam Power Corporation – JSC.

Also attending were leaders of Hoan Kiem District Party Committee, Party Committee of PetroVietnam Power Corporation; comrades in the Executive Committee, Secretary of the Branches under the Party Committee of Petroleum Machinery and Equipment Joint Stock Company.

Speaking at the ceremony, Mr. Pham Van Hiep – Secretary of the Party Committee, General Director of PV Machino reported on the construction and development process of the Company over the past 60 years. During 15 years as a member unit in the Oil and Gas industry, PVMachino has continued to inherit the tradition, stably develop, successfully complete the assigned tasks, ensure jobs and life for employees, contribute to the overall development of Petrovietnam.

Implementing the restructuring project of Petrovietnam, in March 2021 PV Power divested all of its capital in PV Machino. Based on the Party’s regulations, in order to ensure the unification of grassroots party organizational models in the direction of linking with leaders in performing political tasks of the unit, the Party Committee of the Group reported to the Party Committee of the Enterprise Division. The Central Committee considers and approves the proposal to the Hanoi Party Committee and submits it to the Central Organization Committee on the transfer of the party organization and PV Machino’s party members to the Hoan Kiem District Party Committee.

Speaking at the ceremony, Mr. Pham Xuan Canh – Standing Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Member of the Board of Directors of the Group thanked the leaders of the Party Committee of the Central Enterprise Division, the Organizing Committee of the Hanoi Party Committee. , the Party Building Committees of Hoan Kiem District have paid attention and created all favorable conditions for the transfer of party organizations and PV Machino’s party members to the Hoan Kiem District Party Committee.

At the ceremony, Mr. Tran Duc Hieu – Member of Standing Committee, Head of the Organization Committee of Hoan Kiem District Party Committee congratulated the Party Committee of Petroleum Machinery and Equipment Joint Stock Company on returning to the common house of Hoan Kiem District Party Committee. Standing, the Organizing Committee of the District Party Committee always pays attention to and creates favorable conditions for grassroots Party organizations, especially businesses. He also wished that the Company’s Party Committee would promote the good tradition of the unit, promote the experience in activities; participate in activities, exchanges and meetings with branches, Party committees and businesses in the area. Thereby, it is possible to find reliable partners, accompany and develop production and business activities as well as contribute to building a strong Hoan Kiem District Party Committee.

The move of the Party Committee of Petroleum Machinery and Equipment Joint Stock Company to the Hoan Kiem District Party Committee is an important milestone for the Organization’s next activities and orientation.