Update status of rice exporting to Africa market

Market Information
icon date22/07/2023

According to data from the General Department of Customs, Vietnam’s rice export volume to Africa in October 2022 reached 2.73 million tons, increase 22.3% in volume and 23.9% in value compared to September 2022.

The situation of rice exports to Africa 2022

Vietnam Trade Counselor Hoang Duc Nhuan cum market Niger, Senegal and Gambia, Mali, said that the situation of Vietnam’s rice exports to Africa increased in the first 6 months of 2022, expected to continue to increase in the coming months and even 2023.

According to the survey results of a resident reporter in Algiers, Africa is currently a region with a high demand for rice, especially in the West because rice production is not enough at times of natural disasters, epidemics or political instability.

On average, each year, Africa has to import rice from many countries, including Vietnam, from 12-13 million tons of rice of all kinds.

In terms of the rice market in Africa in the 10 months of 2022, Vietnamese rice exporting reached 2.739 million tons, accounting for 45.02%, worth $1.266 billion, an increase of 30.84% in volume and 18.39% in turnover compared to the same period in 2021.

As of the end of November 2022, according to the latest data of the Plant Industry Department, total rice exports in Africa reached 3.234 million tons, nearly one million tons higher than in the same period last 11 months.

After the covid 19 epidemic, rice exports to Africa

Currently, the rice turnover accounts for 20% of Vietnam’s total exports to Africa. The big issue in food security that African countries are concerned about is the quality and cost of products. In 2022, due to the effects of the post-covid-19 epidemic, the African market faces many difficulties because of customs clearance issues and low living standards of residents there.Some areas of Africa suffer from hunger, because the supply of wheat is sharply reduced because of the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

However, according to statistics, the volume of rice exports to Africa in December 2022 is estimated at 600 thousand tons with a value of 296 million USD, bringing the total volume and value of rice exports in 12 months in 2022 to 6.68 million tons and 3.2483 billion USD, increase 16.4% in volume and 6.8% in value compared to 2021. The average export price of rice in 2022 is estimated at 486 USD /ton, reduce 8.2%.

Africa’s rice import demand

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Africa’s rice consumption ranges from 24 to 24.5 million tons/year and the average consumption per capita is 22.1 kg/year. With a population of more than 1 billion people, the demand for rice in Africa is increasing because of the convenience of rice processing compared to millet and other traditional grains as well as the increasing of urbanization rate in this region. On the other hand, the rice price is no longer too high compared to the income of the majority of Africans, so rice has become a popular food in daily meals.

However, because production cannot meet demand, from 2021 to now, Africa has to import from 8 to 10 million tons of rice, worth from 3.5 to 5 billion USD, of which is mainly 25% broken type.

This is a low-value commodity, so although the imported volume is large, it only accounts for a modest proportion compared to other goods with higher value content such as consumer products, machinery and equipment. The growth rate of rice imports is not high, only 2-3%/year, depending on the situation of domestic rice production, especially weather factors.

PVMachino as  rice exporter to Africa 

PVMachino is a large rice exporter in Africa which is assessed as potential in the international market. All rice grains are carefully selected, which have taste, characteristics, size and shape meeting international standards. PVMachino export with the motto “Human health is the most precious” as the core, so each exported product must go through a strict quality test process to ensure no mistakes made at any stage.

Contact information PVMachino

Company name: PetroVietnam Machinery Technology Joint Stock Company (PVMachino)

Address: 8 Trang Thi, Hang Trong Ward, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi City

Tel: +84-24.3826.0344

Fax: +84-24.3825.4050

Email: pvm@pvmachino.vn

PVMachino is a prestigious and top quality rice exporter to Africa in Vietnam